EADISC Working Group Meeting
7th March 2004 Amsterdam, 9:00 – 17:00
Rob |
Belterman |
Max |
Janse |
Duncan |
Bolton |
Kristin |
Leus |
Eugene |
Bruins |
Joeke |
Nijboer |
Frands |
Carlsen |
Paul |
Pierce-Kellie |
Elspeth |
Chaplin |
Dr. Ulrike |
Rademacher |
Aude |
Desmoulins |
Eric |
Ruivo |
Frank |
Haelewyn |
Ross |
Snipp |
Amy |
Hall |
Olivia |
Waters |
Bart |
Hiddinga |
Minutes from last meeting
o Review of assigned tasks from Leipzig meeting - See Appendix 1
o EADISC requires active involvement of its members with each participant seeking to progress and promote the ZIMS initiative with all potential users holders with whom they come into contact. All should act as ambassadors and be ready to volunteer to help whenever possible, particularly in the coming months during the data standard and JAD sessions. Volunteers from EADISC will be needed to fill positions to be defined and finalized at the upcoming IADISC meeting.
o Update on role and near future activities – PowerPoint presentation from the chairs:
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Of major significance over the next phase of the ZIMS project is the development of data standards. The following diagram indicates the route which has been devised by the ZIMS core team to ensure that this is achieved efficiently and with all necessary parties involved.
An explanation for the chart follows on the page after, please review these two together.
Data Standards Development Process – explanation
The next chart shows how the regional ADISC’s (process from AZA) might operate to contribute towards the data standards initiative. (Aimed at standardising the way in which we record data to facilitate sharing within our community).
It was proposed by the co-chairs that we adopt a simplified version of this for EADISC and this was agreed by those present. Action FC/DB
§ Action:FC / DB to review AZA standards flow chart and adjust for use in EAZA
· Recruitment of SME’s, there will be much work to carry out over the coming months and the user community will need to provide much detailed information for the software developers. Work on expanding and extending the SME list from the European region is necessary to facilitate this.
· Action: All to review current list and feed back to FC /DB providing details of any additional potential SME’s.
· Selection of SME’s for Vet Workshop in April will be based upon the SME list with two likely key persons being the main targets for this session. Time limitations make it difficult to ensure that the correct SME’s are able to attend meetings due to short notice. This has impacted the vet workshop which is now to take place on April 16/17 & 18 in San Diego.
· Action: FC/DB to ensure that EAZA vet SME’s are contacted and understand the importance of this meeting. (Sandra Silinski, Salzburg, participated as one of only two non-north American participants).
Zims Project Status
Data Standards Development
o Tech Working Group workshop held mid February. Work flows produced along with functional requirements and use cases
o Template for data standards presently out for review by IADISC
o Complete data standards that could influence design - Ongoing
o ~ 20 Joint Application Design workshops and Data Standards workshops planned for 2004/ 2005
o First sessions in Lisbon late March and San Diego early April
o April is the deadline for setting workshops dates and locations for the next year.
ZIMS Phase I (As at time of meeting, should be seen as flexible until final software developer selection completed. Current timeline is estimated that first testing could be within 18 months to 2 years, depending on final vendor selection and negotiations)
o Database Design, July 2004
o Detail Development Plan, June 2004
o User Acceptance Test Plan, August 2004
o Data Migration Plan, September 2004 (Data Quality Campaign has created 37.000 new links in ISIS – Transaction Link Rate over 70% for the first time)
o RFP for ZIMS Deployment (subject to vendor negotiations in February-April), November 2004
o RFP for ZIMS hosting (subject to vendor negotiations in February-April), November 2004
Communication and Staff
o Positions
§ New positions both ISIS staff and volunteers for ZIMS Core Team, IADISC and ADISC are being filled
o Communication
· Weekly Phone Conferences (VoIP services for Off-shore team members/Web Conferences/ISIS Intranet/ZIMS Communication Manager
· Listserve/Phone Conferences
· EADISC Listserve/Phone meetings/ZIMS regional Communications Facilitator/EARKG Listserve
o 113 Zoos and Aquaria have pledged 4.1 mio. US$ - i.e goal for "family campaign" have been reached but continues
o Corporate, Foundation and Government campaign started
Software developer selection Conference, Washington DC, National Zoo 8-10 December 2003
o Finalists selected by ZIMS Evaluation Committee
o FC & DB participated as representatives of EAZA region
Final Software developer Selection
o Contract negotiations ongoing – negotiation team selected by ISIS ZIMS PSG
o Objective: identify vendor best suited for efficient, cost-effective, long-term ability to provide services proposed for ZIMS
o Final Software developer selection and formalized contract between ISIS and Software Development Partner, Arpil-May 2004
§ Last info from vendors this weekend, then final choice to PSG for approval.
o Drafting Statement of Work (SoW)
o SoW will be verified by IADISC by mid March (distributed during next week)
o Negotiations and Statement of Work
§ Action Review Statement of Work Paper to be reviewed by FC as part of IADISC activities (this has been completed soon after the meeting).
The current workshop schedule is given in the table below, though this is draft only with much to be confirmed once the software developer is appointed.
Below is a draft process proposed from IADISC for the selection of workshop participants, though it is recognized that each ADISC will need to work in an appropriate way for its region.
o Several EAZA members have pledged funds for the development of ZIMS through the activities of the fund raising committee. The question was raised whether institutions which have generously pledged could expect reduced subscriptions in the future. This issue will be taken up with ISIS by Eric Ruivo and Ross Snipp.
Data Quality Campaign
o Intense focus of effort is needed during the period leading up to data conversion into the new system
ISIS update – Ross Snipp
ISIS Update: EAZA Data Quality Campaign
Transaction Link Rate
ISIS Average is currently at 70%. When campaign started ISIS average was at 48%. This is an overall increase of 22% since 2002.
Europe – Current average is 59% (05 March 2004). Europe showed a 10% increase during 2003 (47.72& - 57.73%).
8 European collections are in the top 5% (n=34) of all ISIS members.
Institution Mnemonic |
TLR % (As of Jan 2004) |
94 |
91 |
89 |
89 |
88 |
88 |
88 |
87 |
18 European collections are in the top 5% (n=34) of most improved ISIS members 2003.
Institution Mnemonic |
Percent improved |
50.69 |
39.36 |
34.45 |
33.39 |
30.82 |
26.78 |
25.42 |
25.31 |
25.28 |
24.81 |
22.28 |
22 |
21.06 |
18.67 |
18.41 |
16.35 |
14.76 |
14.67 |
2. Parental Validation Report
ISIS average is currently 95%. This has remained fairly steady since release in 2002.
Europe – Current average is 96% (05 March 2004)
13 European collections are in top 5% (n=34) of all ISIS members
Institution Mnemonic |
PVR % |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
99.81 |
99.70 |
99.55 |
99.48 |
99.46 |
99.42 |
99.42 |
99.38 |
99.30 |
13 European Collections are in top 5% (n=34) of most improved 2003
Institution Mnemonic |
Percent improved |
95.85 |
49.59 |
14.47 |
12.40 |
7.66 |
7.5 |
7.0 |
6.41 |
5.71 |
5.44 |
4.80 |
4.78 |
4.17 |
New for 2003 – Studbook/Institution Reconciliation Rate
ISIS Average is currently 67%. European average is 69%
13 European collections are in top 5% of all ISIS members
Institution Mnemonic |
SB % |
89.47 |
84.57 |
78.33 |
73.28 |
71.43 |
68.71 |
64.74 |
63.58 |
62.16 |
61.24 |
58.56 |
57.36 |
55.98 |
There will be about 1050 studbooks in this years' library, including 201 from EAZA (plus 89 intl studbooks held by people in Europe).
On average, EAZA studbooks are current to May 2002.
Please remind people that as they update their studbook data, to SEND ISIS A BACKUP, as often as they like.
New data clean up tools
1. Institution name validation tool
The next update to CMS ISIS will include an institution name validation tool, to help with the cleanup of unconfirmed institutions, unknown mnemonics and synonyms.
The validation tool is divided into three parts, each of which lists institution mnemonics within your data that require verification or updating.
i) Unconfirmed mnemonics
ii) Synonyms
iii) Unknown mnemonics
Raising data awareness
1. Cold-calling campaign
So far 18 institutions have been contacted re: TLR (since Jan 2004).
4 have replied (22% response rate). Initial institutions targeted have been those with TLR scores under 50%.
50% of those contacted have shown an increase in TLR (1-10%), 44.4% (n=8) have shown no increase and 5.5% (n=1) have shown a decrease.
2. Data Quality updates on List serves.
EARKG update – Rob Belterman
§ Started July 2003. There are now 84 members on the listserve across Europe. We still need to encourage membership and to promote the group more effectively. To avoid duplicate of effort it was agreed to merge the efforts of the UK registrars group and EARKG (action OW & RB) and to fully integrate the activities of Ross Snipp into the EARKG (RS role changing to include European data quality campaign, including training, cleanup workshops). Ross asked if the group was restricted to EAZA members or ISIS members and there was consensus that it should be as inclusive as possible and thus be for all European ISIS members and all EAZA members. RS to use EARKG to disseminate information. BH suggested that bites of information are more effective than larger tomes. FC request RS to provide data on the link rates process outlining which areas have most impact on institutional link rates.
o OW – studbook data cleanups, paper to be distributed after EPMAG meeting tomorrow. Action OW
o Recognition of institutional and SB keeper progress?
§ See above re ISIS measures, ISIS will contact all ISIS members re their performance in 2003. Some misgivings in the room regarding this in terms of witch hunt scenario. Emphasize that the feedback must be positive, but may help to get some institutional support for the registrar / records keeper. General education of zoo directors is also important, no point giving them a figure and not explaining the significance. Linking to annual subscription and TLR attained may be an incentive.
o BH – Suggested a full session at upcoming EAZA meeting on ZIMS / ISIS / EADISC structured with 3 - 5 presentations, preferably lead by EADISC and with complementary input from Syed Hassan from ISIS. BH to put his thoughts out to the EADISC e-group.
EAZA representation in ISIS SAC and TAC
o KL has been proposed as an EAZA member of SAC. We have yet to identify a member for TAC.
Group Projects
o Update ZSL project – Paul Pearce Kelly gave a presentation updating the group on the ZSL group genetic management project. The PowerPoint presentation will be available on the EADISC yahoo web site and also on the EAZA web site. (Action DB / FC / EAZA office). Letter of support for this initiative was received from the EAZA office.
o The timescale is about 3 months work, so latter half of this year will see this first element complete. Then about 1 year will be needed to bring in the other nuances (extending the practicalities to other taxa).
o TRACKS software, Update from Baltimore, USA
Tracks Group Implementation Overview
Tracking inventory data for day-to-day management and reporting.
Tracking history of exposure and medical data for future diagnosis and prevention.
Tracking demographic and genetic data for research analysis.
All specimens in a group have the same taxonomy and exist in the same enclosure.
Within a group, specimens can be at various life stages. (This may or may not be tracked.)
Within a group, specimens can be of various sexes. (This may or may not be tracked.)
Multiple groups may share the same Accession Number.1
Although one Accession Number or group taxonomy may be distributed over several enclosures, data will be recorded that is
specific to the portion of the group that is in one enclosure.
Not all groups will be managed to the same level of detail. The software will not force the use of the greatest level of detail.
Level of Detail
Based on the group management levels taken from the ZSL 98 Population Group Management Workshop, we will support
levels 3 through 6. Level Three is: Individuals can be classified into age or stage groups and counted at least at the breeding
and non-breeding stages.
How do Groups work in the software?
Accession Numbers:
Any time a new group is created, by move or acquisition, it will be assigned a Accession Number by the user. In the case of a
split, there is also the option to maintain the Accession Number of the group from which these specimens were taken.
Searching for a group:
Searching will work as it does now. However if a group Accession Number is shared the same ID could appear several times
in the search results. To facilitate selection, the current enclosure for each group will be displayed.
Of our three purpose statements, the one we have not completely met is the third: Tracking demographic and genetic data for research analysis. We are collecting data, but there have been no attempts yet to mine this data for analysis.
Nate Flesness provided the following statement on TRACKS:
There is a formal proposal from National Aquarium, Baltimore, offering full sharing of information and experience gained doing TRACKS
o There is a link with this and the ZSL work, Bob Lacey has been invoved with both elements. The two projects are complementary and we simply need to ensure good communication between the two projects to ensure no effort is duplicated. Discussion between Hans Keller and PPK should ensure this.
ISIS-ZIMS – Areas of responsibility & project positions
o Regional facilitators needed in key areas for the ZIMS project.
EAZA regional communications facilitator role – UR has accepted the role of EAZA communications facilitator.
Next meetings
o September 2004, Kolmarden during EAZA conference
o March 2005, Lisbon (to be confirmed)
BH mentions the need for presentations at sub-regional meetings, and sub-regional representation in EADISC– we are missing some sub-regions. Action All to seek new participants / members and spread the word at national meetings.
A new Power Point presentation will be available soon. BH suggests that someone from EADISC should attend the regional zoo association meetings. Also 1 page of information / update to send round the regions. BH suggests working through national associations, BH to provide contact details for regional associations. Action BH. ER suggests a campaign at the next EAZA conference, targeting countries which we are missing. Max needs a 1 page update for Saturday / Sunday . Done, this is logged on the EADISC list serve.
Appendix 1
EADISC meeting Leipzig/Action Points
Action |
Due date |
Responsible person |
Status |
Action points from EADISC meeting, September 2003, Leipzig and previous meetings. |
Contact Polish, Czech and other countries re activities here |
1 October 2003 |
Ongoing Some discussions, RS trying to contact all institutions in the area. Also UR will have increasing role in future. |
Contact details Peter Lindhardt to DB/FC |
EAZA meeting |
UR |
Done |
Contact Peter Linhardt |
1 October 2003 |
Done – ongoing ZIMS phase II Ongoing contact |
ASPE + Peter Lindhardt software issue discussed in IADISC |
12-14 November |
ZIMS Phase II, UR visited to see software but not being used, legislation and taxonomic list good, cost 2000 euro to purchase, Access database, some interest from smaller zoos, interested in selling part of program to ZIMS, contact being maintained through UR. RS to establish a link from ISIS on this one. FC to talk to Kevin Johnson about the taxonomic element. Fishbase also likely to be of interest for taxonomy, raise again with KJ. |
ASPE + Peter Lindhardt discussed on ZIMS telcon |
a.s.a.p |
Wait (se above) |
Genetic Groups Manage-ment software funding raised at EEP Committee meeting |
18 september 2003 |
Bengt Holst/Eric Ruivo |
Done Project endorsed funding through ZIMS pledges |
European Link Rates made available for EADISC chairs |
1 October 2003 |
Done |
Contact Alex Rübel to try intra Swiss contact to Bern for IT input from Marc Rosset |
a.s.a.p |
FC |
Done AR will contact director of Bern. We still have IT SME problems. UR has had contact and MR should be able to attend a meeting JoGipps to be asked to talk to Alex Rubel about MR involvelemt. (action DB) |
Bring forward issue of SPARKS/Windows to EPMAG for advice |
20 September 2003 |
Done/ongoing Also discussed in IADISC and CIRCC Some discussion at IADISC, feedback needed to and from ISIS, Some testers across the world. Recommendation to EPMAG that this should be made available to those who wish to use it as a tool to aid data cleanup but without offering user support. |
Proactive effort to induce interest in EARKG and data quality campaign |
a.s.a.p |
RB |
Done – ongoing, Ross/Rob |
Propose members for ISIS SAC & TAC to DB/FC |
End September or a.s.a.p. |
All |
Hans Keller to approach Frank Prince directly for TAC SAC KL proposed. |
EAZA News deadlines to DB/FC |
a.s.a.p. |
BH |
Update EADISC info on ZIMS and EAZA web sites |
a.s.a.p |
Send updated versions to ZIMS/Sue |
French PP presentations on EAZA web site |
a.s.a.p |
FH |
Check EAZA net for ppt – make sure available to ER/UR/FH for translation |
Discussion on data quality and regional data standards issue |
a.s.a.p. |
RB and OW |
RB and Ross ongoing, see notes of ’04 meeting |
Find IT expert inside EAZA network for RFP evaluation |
End September or a.s.a.p. |
All |
Redundant |
Input for next IADISC meeting |
1 November |
All |
Done |
Groups management initiative (ZSL) on the ZIMS/IADISC & EAZA web sites |
End September |
PPK/DB/Sue Dubois/BH |
E-mail PPK make available Done |
Copy of latest Genetic Groups project review paper to be circulated and posted on WEB sites as above. |
End September |
PPK/DB/Sue Dubois/BH |
To do |
Progress ZIMS activities in EUAC |
Next meeting |
Max janse |
Done (Hans Keller) |
Discuss contact details for Lisbon Aquarium after meeting. |
a.s.a.p. |
Done |
Progress ZIMS activities in Nutrition Group and Vet Group |
Leipzig |
AF |
Done |
EADISC Link to Research Committee |
Mid October |
FC/DB to identify link |
Screen Research committee for potential candidate Potential candidates needed still for this, ?Andrea Fidget DB to check. |
Set up system for recognition of institute-ional records and SB keeper progress in data quality and link rates campaign |
Mid November |
Done through ISIS |
Support statement to EEP Committee regarding Genetic Group Project |
19 September 2003 |
Done |
Propose candidate for EADISC position as ZIMS communications coordinator |
1 October 2003 |
All |
Done UR |
Decide venue for EADISC mid year meeting 2004 |
Mid November 2003 |
Amsterdam |
Action Points from EADISC meeting, March 7th 2004, Amsterdam |
Modify AZA data standards flow chart for use in EAZA region |
May 04 |
Need access to Visio software to do this. |
Review Statement of Work Paper |
March 04 |
FC |
Done soon after meeting |
Contact vet SME’s regarding the SanDiego meeting |
March 04 |
FC / Db |
Done, Sanrda Silinski attended on behalf of EADISC / EAZA |
Recognition of funding support from user community, potentially through reduced subscription rates in the future |
ER / RS |
To be proposed to ISIS board etc. |
EEP /ESB keepers to be reminded to submit data frequently to ISIS |
March 04 |
RB, FC, DB, BH |
Via various listserves |
Distribute paper on Studbook cleanup |
March 04 |
OW |
Place PPK groups PowerPoint on EADISC, EAZA and ZIMS web sites |
On yahoo site, |
Ensure links between ZSL and Baltimore groups work |
March 04 |
1 page Summary document for use of members in sub groups |
March 04 |
DB |
Done |