The flow chart below describes the proposed process for the development of data standards.  The flow chart is divided into four functional areas: Proposal, Development, Implementation and Review.  The responsible parties are listed across the top:  "Whole Community, ISIS, IADISC, Regional ADISC/committees.  Each box or step in the process could potentially be broken into many more subprocesses.  For example, the process at the regional level is not well defined other than noting that Regional ADISCs will review particular standards through their internal processes, which may be an appropriate Subject Matter Expert (SME) organization or committee or external (in the sense of external to zoo and aquarium associations) stakeholder. This would need  to be determined by each region.  

Data Standards Development Process – explanation


The text below attempts to explain each of the steps and decision points in more detail.  This proposal is being sent to IADISC for review and distribution within each of the regional ADISCs. 

  1. Submit Request for Standard Development: Any stakeholder can make a request for new standards or for the review of existing standards. In the context of ZIMS it is assumed that this process will be fast-tracked by the identification of standards required during design workshops.
  2. New Standard Required Y/N: ISIS will determine if the request for a new standard or review of an existing one is relevant to the database.  ISIS staff will locate, research, and prepare documentation regarding existing standards. These existing standards may come from international or regional documents, or may be ISO-certified standards in use by the world community.
  3. Review existing standards set by other organizations: IADISC will review the proposal for a new standard and determine if an existing standard can be used or there is a need for a new one.
  4. Standard already exists Y/N: If no standard exists, then the proposal is moved for action by the regional SMEs (Subject Matter Experts).
  5. Multiple Standards exist Y/N: If only one certified standard exists, the proposed standard is circulated. If multiple standards exist, the proposal is moved for action by the regional SMEs.
  6. Inform the requestor and ISIS about the decision:  If IADISC determines that a standard already exists and there are no conflicting multiple standards, then the there is no further action and the requestor is informed.
  7. No further action: (no text)
  8. Pick SMEs from the list: If there is a need for a new standard or resolution regarding multiple standards, then IADISC will pick SMEs from an existing list compiled with input from regional ADISCs for such a purpose.
  9. No SME found in the list Y/N: If appropriate SMEs cannot be identified from the list for the particular standard, then IADISC will send a request to the regional ADISCs to send workshop representatives.
  10. Send workshop representatives: Regional ADISCs will identify appropriate SMEs.  This may include participants from external partnerships or non-member institutions and individuals, regional professional associations, conservation organizations, regulatory agencies, etc.
  11. New standards developed by SMEs:  An international forum of SMEs convenes to develop a draft standard. (This may occur in a workshop format or by some form of electronic collaboration.)
  12. Publish standards and technical review: IADISC sends the draft standard to ISIS for technical review. ISIS will review the standard for compliance with a predefined template, appropriate documentation, compatibility with any existing standards, and structural impact on the database or cost to implement.
  13. Send draft standards to regional ADISCs for review: The draft standard is sent to IADISC for circulation among regional ADISCs.
  14. Regional ADISCs review through their internal process: Each regional ADISC will coordinate the review of the draft and utilize their particular regional process for distribution and decision-making.
  15. Approved by majority Y/N: Regional ADISCs will either approve or reject the draft. If the draft is approved by the regional ADISCs then it can be moved to implementation..
  16. Publish alternate views: If not approved by all regional associations, then alternative views are compiled and published by IADISC.
  17. Submit for voting: IADISC will review the alternatives and vote on approval of the standard.
  18. Approved Y/N: If approved by IADISC then the standard moves to implementation.  If a unanimous decision cannot be made for a single standard then regional alternates must be sent to the ZIMS Project Steering Group (PSG).
  19. Approve or submit an interim process (PSG) Y/N:  The PSG will determine will review the feasibility of implementing regional standards or implement an interim process.
  20. Implement the standards as per ISIS process: The approved standard is implemented.
  21. Send Review Request if required: ISIS will generate a periodic review of the standard if required.
  22. Scheduled Review or Review Request: IADISC will determine if there is a need to review.
  23. Review Required Y/N: If no need for review, then no further action. If review is required, then the process begins again in the Proposal stage and SMEs are picked from a list to review the standard.
  24. No Further Action: (no text)