Thanks for volunteering to participate in the design of ZIMS! 

Your contribution during and outside the JAD sessions is very valuable and will help ensure that ZIMS is designed to meet the needs of the zoological community..

The purpose of this site is to provide workshop participants with background information on the ZIMS Project and what to expect in a JAD session.  In a series of 5 workshops (called JAD sessions - Joint Application Design),  information technologists (CGI, ISIS, ZIMS Team) will help SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) describe and detail their requirements for a new Zoological Information Management System, ZIMS. 

JAD5 -  8-11 November 2004, Miami MetroZoo, Florida
The purpose of the third workshop is to continue the application design phase of the ZIMS project.  Output from the workshop will include drafts of detailed use cases.

How to Prepare for the JAD Session:
You will have received an email with all the documents that are for Step 2
. Although it is not necessary because there will be an introduction to all of this during the workshop, you may find it helpful to do some reading prior to the JAD session. 

Step 1.  Review the agenda

Step 2.  Review the documents emailed to you. 

Step 3.  Relax and be ready to share your business expertise!


There will be 5 JAD sessions around the world over the next 5 months. Each JAD session will build on the knowledge gained from prior workshops to result in a set of technical documentation that will enable architects and programmers to understand the information needs, or requirements, of the zoological community and ultimately build ZIMS.  Much work has gone into preparation for this stage of the ZIMS Project, and there will be much  work continuing outside these 5 workshops to elaborate on the system design. In addition to the JAD sessions, there will be a series of standards workshops and discussions.

Additional Information:

ZIMS Project Timeline

Brief introduction to the JAD (Joint Application Design) process.

ZIMS History, Mission, Goals, Phase I and II Workshops

What is the Discovery Document

What is a Use Case?   -   Example Use Case  -    

Uses Cases detailed:

What is an Actor?

When and where will the 5 JAD sessions be held?

Other sites of interest:

General Q&A

ZIMS Portal -  where all working documents and JAD deliverables can be found

Some commonly used IT terms:

ZIMS Glossary