Document: BUC
User Questions V1 00
is an example of the templates that the meeting facilitators will be
completing. It includes a
list of the types of questions that will be asked during the sessions in
order to capture the information required to complete the use cases.
The questions are very general within the document and will be
tailored to suit the needs of each individual use case covered.
Some questions may not be covered during the meeting in order to
facilitate information gathering and meeting flow.
PARTICIPANT ACTION: You may want to review the questions before attending the JAD session. The knowledge you bring with you should be sufficient for participation in all JAD sessions
1. What are the major functions (or areas of responsibility or functional areas) within an institution?
What are the business sub-functions i.e. logically discrete activities
under each of those functions? To
help identify sub-functions - each activity should satisfy a specific business
need and goal of the person(s) performing it and should produce a meaningful,
observable result of business value. The activities are normally not at the task (step within an
activity) level.
Defining the activity
What is the activity – give a short description.
What is the business purpose or objective of the activity?
What is the business goal of the person performing the activity?
What is being acted on during this activity?
E.g. “Animal” in “Identify an Animal.”
What is the expected outcome of this activity?
What would be a meaningful short name for the business activity that
describes the actions and what is being acted on?
E.g. Identify an animal.
What is the business priority of this activity?
10. How often is this business activity performed?
Who is Involved
11. Who is the primary participant (expressed as a role) in the activity i.e. who performs the activity?
E.g. Job title – Registrar Roles – records management, reporting
Tips: The primary participant represents a business role that performs business activities. A given role should reflect a unique function performed by one or more persons in an institution. Roles are not job titles, since job titles are institution-specific, depending on the size of an institution. In some institutions, one person may perform only one role; in others, the person may perform more than one role. Each role should be aligned with the specific objectives or purpose of individual business functions. In other words, roles should be identified in consideration of business objectives and within the context of a discrete business activity, not based on which person performs the activity.
12. Who are other participants (expressed as a role) who have a secondary or partial role in the activity? E.g. regulatory body.
What parties have an interest in the outcome of this activity but are not
participants in the activity?
14. What is the business event or condition that triggers this activity to be performed?
E.g. For the activity “Enter an animal into inventory”, an animal is received by the institution.
15. What is the condition(s) or state that must exist before this activity is started?
E.g. For the activity “Enter an animal into
inventory”, an animal is transferred from another institution.
16. What other business activity must be performed before this activity is started?
17. What ongoing conditions or limitations could affect the starting of this activity?
E.g. For the use case “animal transfer” – transfer is not authorized
18. What ongoing conditions or limitations could affect the completion of this activity?
What business rules apply to this activity e.g. pre-requisites,
conditions or processes that must be in place or occur during the activity steps
for the expected result to be achieved?
What are the normal steps, in sequence, to complete the activity?
21. What are all the possible alternative conditions could exist during this activity?
What are the steps for each of the alternative conditions?
What error conditions could occur during the activity?
24. What are the steps for each of the error conditions?
Expected Results
25. What is the expected condition or status after the activity is successfully completed?
E.g. For the activity “Enter animal into inventory” - the animal is entered into the institution’s inventory.
26. What is the expected condition or status after this activity is unsuccessfully completed?
E.g. For the activity “Enter animal into inventory” - the animal is not entered into the institution’s inventory.
Information Requirements
27. What type of information and what specific data is received for this business activity and in which step is the data required?
E.g. Type of information – animal identification information
Data – animal name, animal tag ID
28. What data is created, updated or deleted during this activity and in which step?
29. Are there any special requirements for any of the data needed? E.g. global ID for an animal.
Other Requirements
30. Are there any legal or regulatory requirements governing or affecting this activity? What are they?
31. Are there any language or internationalization requirements for this activity? What are they?
32. Are there any privacy requirements for this activity? What are they?
Any other special requirements?
Issues and Considerations
34. Are there any known business issues that affect this activity?
35. Are there any other considerations affecting this activity?
36. What other business activities complement, support or follow this activity, and in what capacity?