Term |
Description |
Approval Date |
Acceptance testing |
See User
acceptance testing |
20/07/04 |
Accession |
The act of adding
an individual or group into inventory, ie. creating a record for the
individual or group in the ZIMS database. If an individual or group moves
from one institution to another, this is considered to be a transfer between
institutions, and not a new accession. |
05/07/04 |
Accession date |
The date a
specimen is born at the institution or the institution gains legal title to
that specimen (usually the date the specimen arrives at the institution). |
Accession number
(see also lifetime/global/permanent ID) |
A unique number
assigned to an individual animal for identification purposes. |
Accuracy |
The freedom from
mistake or error: correctness. Conformity to fact or some established
recognized standard value. For the purposes of the ZIMS Project, data are
assumed to be accurate when they are captured from user, obtained from other
systems interfaces and/or feed from other qualified external data feeds and
in all cases the data have met established ZIMS accuracy criteria. |
12/07/04 |
Acquisition |
The act of
documenting a change in either the physical possession, legal ownership
and/or governmental management responsibility of an individual or group. |
12/07/04 |
Active medical
record |
The medical
record(s) that is/are currently being edited, entered, or updated. |
12/07/04 |
problem/chief complaint |
A complaint,
clinical sign or diagnosis that has a starting point, but is not yet
resolved. |
Activity |
An actual or
scheduled event which is intended to be associated with an individual,
group, enclosure or physical entity related to the animal collection. |
20/07/04 |
scheduling (calendar) |
The system that
maintains the list of activities scheduled for a specific date and/or time
and provides notification to appropriate staff. |
Actor |
Represents a role
played by an external person, process or a thing interacting with a system.
Examples are: planner, recorder, reviewer. An actor is a user, another
system, or anything outside the system (ZIMS) that interacts with the system
to complete a task. An actor is not a description of a job function. |
12/07/04 |
Ad hoc query |
An improvised and
often impromptu request for database information. Within the capability of
the ad hoc query tool, the user can determine how the data are filtered, and
the order in which the data are presented. The results may be presented in
an editable (drill down) view on screen, a new database or data set used for
further analysis, or in a printed report. |
12/07/04 |
Alternative flow |
A list of steps
performed under possible conditions (other than the normally expected
condition) that may occur during an activity. |
14/07/04 |
Analgesia |
Loss of sensation
to superficial or deep pain. Analgesia may be restricted to a particular
part of the body (local analgesia) |
Anesthesia |
A chemically
induced state where there is loss of response to superficial or deep pain
and apparent lack of reaction to visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile or
other stimuli that would normally elicit a response. |
05/07/04 |
Animal management
authority |
An organization or
person providing guidance or direction on issues such as breeding and
relocation. This may or may not be either the owner or the holding facility. |
Authority table
(domain/reference/control) |
A set of value
choices used to maintain data integrity, contains full name and reference
information, even if the lookup value is abbreviated. |
Basic flow |
A list of actions
(steps) performed to accomplish the goals of an activity, under normal, most
often expected conditions. The steps describe what actions, not how they are
performed. |
14/07/04 |
Binomial |
The combination of
two names, the first being a generic name and the second a specific name,
that together constitute the scientific name of a species e.g.: Haliaeetus
leucogaster Haliaeetus vocifer Haliaeetus leucoryphus |
Biomaterial |
Sample obtained
from an animal specimen. |
Birth |
The event of being
born, for live-bearing animals. The date from which age is calculated in
animals that give birth. May include abortions, still-births and premature
births. Can be considered as one of a number of events or transitions
between life-stages for these taxa. |
12/07/04 |
Birth date |
The date an
individual is born. The date from which age is calculated in animals that
give birth. Note for marsupials, this is not the date of pouch emergence,
but the actual or estimated date of birth. |
Body condition
score |
Describes the
subjective assessment of overall muscle mass and fat reserves with respect
to optimum/ideal on a scale of 1-9. BCS will be an acceptable acronym for
the Body Condition Score. |
21/06/04 |
Business |
The activities
associated with running a zoo or aquarium. Business in the context of ZIMS
does not refer to commercial activities. |
Business activity
(use case) |
Deeds or processes
within a business function. Business use cases will be done at this level.
Business activities should be discrete, logically separate activities that
result in a meaningful result of business value to the participants. |
14/07/04 |
Business function |
The highest level
business function e.g. functional areas or areas of responsibility. Business
functions drive the design of the use cases. |
Business party |
A business party
is a uniquely identified institution. When animals are permanently moved, a
business transaction identifies the animal(s) and the business parties
effected. |
Business rule |
A pre-requisite,
condition or process that must be in place or occur during an activity to
achieve expected results. |
12/07/04 |
Business use case |
Describes the
interaction between the people, departments and organizations within the
ZIMS user community. There is no mention of technology since these use cases
are focused on business operations. The focus of the business use cases is
to highlight how the organizations that are part of the ZIMS user community
interact - currently and in future. |
09/07/04 |
Captive management
plan |
A regional or
institutional plan for the management of a species in captivity. The plan is
normally updated on a regular (yearly) basis, and may include specimen level
recommendations for breeding-related activities, eg pairing or separation
with or from |
Case |
diagnosis, procedures, treatment of an animal. |
Census |
A report of the
total count of a collection as of a specific date. A census can be for a
single taxon, family, order etc. or for an entire collection. |
06/07/04 |
Character |
A symbol that
requires a single space in an ID number or data field and is not treated as
a numeral; letters, blank spaces and graphics may all be used as characters;
usually refers to a keyboard symbol. |
Clinical note |
Clone |
An individual
derived by asexual reproduction from a single ancestor; one of a population
of genetically identical individuals. |
Collection plan |
A regional or
institutional plan referring to the proposed changes to an institution’s
inventory over a given time period, eg documentation of an institution’s
current collection (inventory), its planned inventory, and details about how
it proposes to progressfrom its current inventory to its planned inventory. |
Colony |
A community of
individuals (especially corals, social insects such as ants, bees etc.), or
a cluster or aggregation of a compound animal such as corals etc. The number
of individuals in a colony generally cannot be determined. |
Common name flip |
Alternative ways
of searching for common names e.g. Lion, African vs. African lion. |
Concentration |
Amount of active
agent per measurement unit (mg/ml). |
Constraint |
A condition that
will affect the initiation or successful completion of a use case or
activity. Constraints are limiting factors that define the boundaries of the
use case or activity, and represent ongoing conditions, not a state at a
point in time. |
14/07/04 |
Construction phase |
The third stage of
the development process. The developers will begin to acquire and install
necessary hardware, operational software (e.g. the operating system) and any
network connectivity. They will develop the required documentation and
develop detailed plans for training, deployment and User Acceptance Testing. |
09/07/04 |
Contraception |
A management
action or medical treatment/procedure that prevents reproduction. This may
include chemical treatment or surgical alteration of the reproductive tract
and may be temporary or permanent. Physical separation of animals is not
considered to be contraception. |
05/07/04 |
Controlled drug |
CT scan - Computed
Tomography imaging |
Tomography (CT) imaging, also known as "CAT scanning" (Computed Axial
Tomography), combines the use of a digital computer together with a rotating
x-ray device to create detailed cross sectional images or "slices" of the
different organs and body parts such as the lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas,
pelvis, extremities, brain, spine, and blood vessels. |
Dam |
The biological
female parent. An animal may have multiple dams recorded if a single female
cannot be determined from a limited number of possibilities. The dam could
also be completely unknown, e.g. from historic records. |
Data field |
An individual data
item in a record within a database file; a group of adjacent characters
(e.g. accession number, birth date, sex, ID numbers) all occupy a field; all
entries in a specific field convey the same type of information. |
Data standard |
Data standards
define the structure, content, and values that collection information
comprises. Data structure concerns what constitutes a record, such as the
different fields used to record information and their relationships. |
Data warehouse |
Generally refers
to the combination of many different databases across an entire enterprise.
Data from the production databases are copied to the data warehouse so that
queries can be performed without disturbing the performance or the stability
of the production systems. |
Deaccession |
NOTE: Do not used
this term - individuals and groups are not deaccessioned in ZIMS. |
20/07/04 |
Deliverable |
A measurable
result or output of a process able to be provided, especially as a product
of a development process. ZIMS deliverables include document templates and
application prototypes. |
Dispense |
To deal out in
portions; to distribute; to give; as, the steward dispenses provisions
according to directions. |
Disposition |
The act of
documenting a change in either the physical possession, legal ownership
and/or governmental management responsibility of an individual or group.
This may be a physical transfer, transfer of title, disappearance, escape
etc. |
20/07/04 |
Dosage |
Amount based on a
weight or body measure (mg/kg, g/kg). |
Dose |
Total amount (mg,
g). |
Drug |
Any substance used
in the composition of medicines. |
Echocardiography |
is a diagnostic test, which uses ultrasound waves to make images of the
heart chambers, valves and surrounding structures. |
Elaboration phase |
The second phase
of Rational Unified Process (RUP) software development methodology. This
stage is important to the RUP because it is here that developers analyze the
risks associated with changing the scope of the project or adding new
technologies along the way. |
09/07/04 |
Electrocardiography |
The making of
graphic records of the variations in electrical potential caused by
electrical activity of the heart muscle and detected at the body surface, as
a method for studying the action of the heart muscle. |
Enclosure |
A location that
physically confines a single or multiple animals. Examples: tank, aviary,
pond. Ideally, each enclosure should have a unique code and/or
name/description associated with it for identification purposes. |
20/07/04 |
Enclosure system |
The system by
which an institution organizes the enclosures within its facility. These are
often structured in hierarchical groups. |
Endoscopy |
The visual
inspection of any cavity of the body by means of an endoscope. |
Entity |
Episode |
Event |
Exam |
This is a visual
or hands-on evaluation of an animal by a Veterinarian or Veterinary
Technician. |
Extensible |
The ability to
easily add more functionality or incorporate new technologies. Able to be
extended or expanded. Extensible programming languages allow the programmer
to customize: to add new functions and modify the behaviour of existing
functions or data types. |
External transfer |
An event that
changes an individual or group’s legal and/or physical status in a
collection, eg. sale, trade, purchase, loan, title transfer etc. The term
that defines a change in state of an individual, group or colony, which
alters their legal and/or physical status. A physical transaction involves
movement between collections, while a legal transaction involves a change in
legal title (or ownership) e.g.. sale, trade, loan (in or out), title
transfer, etc. |
20/07/04 |
Extinction (of a
group) |
Set the official
count of a group to zero and prevent any further transactions for the group.
Once the number of individuals in a group has reached zero, any new
specimens of the same taxon should be considered as a new group, and
accordingly, should have |
Extraction (from a
group) |
Removal and
accession of an individual specimen from an existing group of animals. |
post-condition |
An expected
result, condition (state at a point in time) or event after unsuccessful
completion of the activity. |
14/07/04 |
Final diagnosis |
First recordable
event |
Fission |
reproduction by a division of the cell or body into two or more parts of
roughly equal size. |
Fledge date |
The date at which
a bird takes flight for the first time, or in the case of flightless and
precoccial birds, the date at which they leave the nest for the first time. |
30/07/04 |
Fledgling |
A young bird which
has acquired feathers for flight. |
Fluoroscopy |
An X-ray procedure
that makes it possible to see internal organs in motion. |
Formulary |
External reference
that details drug information, drug dosage (class related), drug
interactions, contra-indications and formulations of drug available. |
Formulation |
The drug form
(tablet, capsule, suspension, liquid, injection) and concentration of each. |
Founder |
An individual
(often from the wild) that is considered to be related only to its direct
living descendants in the specified living population and assumed to be
completely heterogenous to the current population (ie non-inbred). It is
assumed that all founders are unrelated to one another. |
20/07/04 |
requirement |
A description of
users’ needs (business functions) for how users will interact with the
system (ZIMS). They also describe the business rules that must be applied
and enforced by the system. The complete set of functional requirements will
document the total needs of the system. This may include examples and/or
workflow diagrams. The define the scope, boundaries and external interfaces,
based on the business requirements. |
standard |
documentation for standards around a process that are not related to a
specific data standard. They are not necessarily related to a specific data
standard, but may be related to multiple data standards. Functional
standards are attached to a concept, eg group management and accessioning. |
Functionality |
The capabilities
or behaviours of a program, part of a program, or system, seen as the sum of
its features. Approximates to, "the things it can do". |
Generic name
(drug) |
A misnomer for
nonproprietary drug name. |
Gestation |
In mammals, the
act of retaining and nourishing the young in the uterus; pregnancy |
Goal |
The result or
achievement toward which effort is directed. For purposes of the ZIMS
Project, a qualitative statement of direction regarding a benefit to a
stakeholder as a result of developing the system. |
Group |
1. Two or more
individuals with a shared physical environment where management decisions
affect all individuals. A group may be classified for example by age,
gender, or social group. Individual specimens within the group may or may
not be recognizable as individuals. 2. Specimens of the same species, housed
together; these specimens are often either not individually marked or
readily distinguishable from other individuals in the group |
Hatch |
The emergence from
an egg for egg-laying animals. The date from which age is calculated in
animals that lay eggs. Can be considered as one of a number of events or
transitions between life-stages for these taxa. |
12/07/04 |
Herd |
A group of
animals, typically ungulates, that congregates or are housed together. |
Hermaphrodite |
An organism with
both male and female functional reproductive organs; may or may not be
self-fertilizing |
History |
Complete record of
a specimen listed by date. |
institution |
The institution or
person which has the physical individual or group. |
Hybrid |
Offspring of two
different subspecies, species or genera. |
Identifier |
The different
labels used to associate an individual or group with data; used to trace an
individual or group, e.g. local ID, house name, tag, band, tattoo,
transponder, ear notch, studbook number. etc. |
Imaging |
production of a clinical image using X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography,
magnetic resonance, radionuclide scanning, thermography, etc.; especially,
cross-sectional imaging, such as ultrasonography, CT, or MRI. |
Immersion |
Immobilization |
recumbency after receiving a dose of an anesthetic drug. |
Inception phase |
The first phase of
Rational Unified Process (RUP) software development methodology. The
developers will review and establish the scope and extent of the work, the
procedures and processes to be followed, the tools to be used and the
management infrastructure for the ZIMS Project. These items will be detailed
in a Project Management Plan. |
09/07/04 |
Included use case |
A business use
case that documents additional steps during an activity. Included use cases
are used to document complex or common activities. |
20/07/04 |
Individual |
A single organism,
separate and distinct from others of the same kind. |
insertion (to a group) |
* We may need a
more appropriate term here. The process of adding an individually
accessioned specimen to an existing group of animals. During this process,
the individual may or may not loose its individual identity. |
Institution |
*We may need
another word to define with whom we work. |
Integrity |
For purposes of
the ZIMS Project, calculations, data entry and data manipulation are
performed correctly and consistently. |
Inventory |
List of taxa and
the total count of each as of a certain date. It can be summarized or
detailed. (In ARKS, we generally refer to an inventory as a report detailing
the changes in the collection count over a given period of time - should we
be using a different title for this?) |
Iteration |
JAD stands for
Joint Application Development. JAD is a requirements-definition and software
system design process in which stakeholders, subject matter experts,
end-users, software architects and developers attend intense off-site
meetings to work out a system's details. |
09/07/04 |
Job title |
Names applied to
various positions within institutions (eg. Curator, veterinarian, keeper,
etc.) Example of data recorder: registrar, veterinarian, intern. |
Legal status |
Possessing legal
ownership, physical possesion or governmental management title to an
individual or group. |
Life stage |
Beginning with
conception, the major definable stages or events an animal progresses
through prior to death. |
Lifetime/global/permanent ID (see also accession number) |
A single, unique
identification number that will be used within ZIMS to identify every
individual or group. This identification number may or may not be shown on
screens and in reports. |
Localization |
Allows the
representation of data such as time or date, currency, time zone handling,
and data sort sequence, to be customized via the operating system, to suit
regional preferences. |
Managed species |
A taxonomic
classification that is locally, nationally, or globally managed on a genetic
planning basis. |
Management group |
Individuals that
may or may not be in the same physical space. Decisions are made based on
the collective group. |
Management plan |
Management set |
One or more
individuals, groups and/or enclosures, to which management activities can be
performed. All individuals and groups within the management set will inherit
the activities that are assigned to the completed management set. |
transaction |
Any change in
animal status. Examples: physical move internal, physical move external,
medical procedure, accession, legal ownership change. |
Manager (of data) |
A manager is one
of the actors in ZIMS. A manager is responsible for the overall accuracy,
setup, performance and resource allocation of the application. Examples:
setting limits on the dispensation of drugs, or assigning responsibility for
a set of species or enclosures, ensuring that processes are followed, and in
the case of tasks that are late or overdue, re-assigning the work to other
qualified individuals. |
Metabolic scaling |
Methodology |
A body of methods,
rules, and postulates employed by a discipline: a particular procedure or
set of procedures. The basic approach providing the basis for a strong
logical and a consistent work structure for any assignment |
Metric |
A standard of
measurement |
Monotypic |
A taxonomic
division that has only one sub-division (e.g., a family with one genus).
Examples of monotypic species (no subspecies identified): Haliaeetus
leucogaster Haliaeetus vocifer Haliaeetus leucoryphus |
Morphological data |
Measurements of
the forms or structures of an organism for example weights and lengths. |
MRI- Magnetic
Resonance Imaging |
A special imaging
technique used to image internal structures of the body, particularly the
soft tissues. An MRI image is often superior to a normal X-ray image. |
requirement |
Describes required
standards and capabilities that a system must implement that do not directly
relate to functions e.g. legal, language and system performance
requirements, operating environment and system security. |
Nuclear scan |
A nuclear scan
that images the adrenal glands after a radioactive tracer is injected into
the bloodstream. |
Objective |
For purposes of
the ZIMS Project, a quantitatively measurable indicator of progress related
to a goal. |
Oviparous |
Egg laying;
unfertilized or fertilized eggs are released by the female; embryonic
development and hatching take place outside the maternal body |
Ovoviviparous |
Eggs are retained
and hatch in the female; hatchlings emerge from the mother as live births. |
Owner |
The institution or
person which has legal title to the physical animal. |
Parthenogenesis |
Process in which
an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual; common among insects and
some other arthropods. |
Parturition |
In viviparous
animals, the act of bringing forth young |
Pedigree |
A "family tree"
including ancestors and descendants. |
Performer |
A performer is one
of the actors in ZIMS. Responsible for carrying out various actions or
activities. Examples of institutional job descriptions that might be
performers are: curator, keeper, veterinarian etc. |
Pharmacy |
A place where
drugs are stored, compounded, and dispensed. |
images |
Physical animal |
The actual
biological specimen which much of our data refers to. |
Physiological data |
Biological study
of the functions of living organisms and their parts. |
Pip |
To crack or break
through, as an eggshell, during the process of hatching. |
Planner |
A planner is one
of the actors in ZIMS. Responsible for initiating various actions or
activities. Examples of institutional job descriptions that might be
planners are: curator, director, veterinarian etc. |
Potential founder |
An individual
(often from the wild) that is capable of reproducing and is unrelated to the
specified population. |
Precocial |
developmental state at birth or hatching; eyes and ears open, capable of
independent locomotion, thermoregulation, and excretion without assistance
(e.g. ducks and grazing mammals). |
Pre-condition |
A result,
condition (state at a point in time) or event that must exist or occur prior
to the activity. The condition does not trigger the activity. |
20/07/04 |
Premature birth |
Birth of a fetus
before full term. |
Prescription |
A written
direction for the preparation and administration of a remedy. |
Primary actor |
Role(s) that
performs most of the steps of the activity. |
20/07/04 |
Problem (medical) |
Anything that
interferes with patient's well-being. Further diagnostics and/or
therapeutics may be planned. |
Problem list |
A summary of what
happens to an animal in a medical sense, and usually consists of one word,
or a few words, which define or describe the problem. A problem typically
would be the same as a diagnosis. Also included in a problem list are a date
for when the problem started, and a date for when the problem resolved. |
12/07/04 |
Procedure |
Medical activity
that that involves physical contact with an animal. |
Process |
An activity or
function which is an action within the system. |
Protocol |
A standard plan of
action for a given activity. |
Provenance |
A geographic
reference, either a point or a place. The place of capture, of a single or
group of wild-caught specimens. |
population |
A group of
individuals all caught in the same locality or descended from those caught
there, and intended to be managed as a unit |
Radiography |
The making of film
records (radiographs) of internal structures of the body by passage of
X-rays or gamma rays through the body to act on specially sensitized film. |
Rational Unified
Process |
A software
development methodology, often referred to as RUP. RUP organizes the
development of software into four phases (Inception, Elaboration,
Construction and Transition), each consisting of one or more executable
iterations of the software at that stage of development. |
Reference-taxonomic |
Reference-technical |
Regulated species |
A taxonomic
classification that is locally, nationally, or globally managed by the
government. |
Remedy |
Any medicine or
application, which puts an end to disease and restores health. |
Reporter |
A reporter is one
of the potential actors in ZIMS. While reports are used by everyone, there
is the potential for specialized roles here, where regulations require
reports to 3rd party organizations. |
Reports |
A series of
pre-determined (canned) or ad-hoc extracts of data from the system. These
include pre-determined reports that we are familiar with (eg specimen,
taxon, inventory etc.), and other reports that can be configured on an
as-needs basis by the user. |
management |
Reviewer (of data) |
A reviewer is one
of the actors in ZIMS. Responsible for ensuring that various data that have
been entered into the system are factual. Examples of institutional job
descriptions that might be reviewers are: registrar, curator, veterinarian,
records officer etc. |
Role |
Basically similar
to an actor. Actors model roles, not positions. As actors tend to define
roles, the word role is often used instead of actor to clarify the term. |
RUP stands for
Rational Unified Process, a software development methodology. RUP organizes
the development of software into four phases (Inception, Elaboration,
Construction and Transition), each consisting of one or more executable
iterations of the software at that stage of development. |
09/07/04 |
Sample bank |
Catalog of animal
samples (DNA, tissues, feathers, blood etc.). Samples may or may not involve
some sort of veterinary procedure or purpose. |
Scalable |
Able to be changed
in size or configuration to suit changing conditions. For example, a
scalable database can grow in the number of users it supports, in the number
of records it stores, or in complexity. |
Secondary actor |
Role(s) that
performs one or more steps of an activity, but not in a primary role. |
20/07/04 |
Sex |
The genetic
(chromosomal and biological) sex of an animal. This may be recorded as male,
female, abnormal, hermaphrodite, or undetermined. The gender of an animal
may change through its lifetime only through biological circumstances. |
Sire |
The biological
male parent. An animal may have multiple sires recorded if a single male
cannot be determined from a limited number of possibilities. The sire might
also be wild or completely unknown, e.g. from historic records. |
Source |
requirements |
related to the activity that are of a non-functional nature. |
Species |
A taxonomic group
whose individuals can interbreed. |
Specimen |
An individual
animal. |
Stakeholder |
For purposes of
the ZIMS Project, any person or constituency that has an interest in an
activity or is a beneficiary of the activity, and who may also be actors. |
20/07/04 |
Standard |
Something set up
and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight,
extent, value, or quality |
Step |
Stillbirth |
The full-term
birth of a dead fetus. |
Studbook |
A subset of
animals records of one taxonomy for a defined geographic area, typically a
managed species. |
Subspecies |
A subdivision of
species, often a geographically distinct race and capable of reproducing
with others of the same subspecies. |
post-condition |
The expected
result, condition (state at a point in time) or event after successful
completion of the activity. |
20/07/04 |
Synonym |
System |
The databases,
graphical interface, data entry forms, reports etc. that combined form ZIMS. |
System use case |
Describes the
interaction between an actor or user and a system (ZIMS), or by the system
itself to accomplish system functions. It provides the details of the actors
achieving goals within a system (ZIMS). System use cases are technology
focused. |
09/07/2994 |
Taxa |
(plural of taxon) |
Taxon |
Any taxonomic unit
(e.g., a family, a genus, a species), whether named or not; a taxon includes
its subordinate taxa and individuals, whether their names are regulated by
the Code (e.g., species) or not (e.g., class). Animal or plant group having
natural relations. |
Taxonomy |
The theory and
practice of classifying organisms; part of systematics, the study of the
kinds and diversity of organisms. Classification of organisms into groups
based on similarities of structure or origin. |
Taxonomy |
This is the
classification of animals in an ordered system that indicates natural
relationships. |
Therapy |
Thermography |
Measurement of the
regional temperature of the body or an organ by infrared sensing devices,
based on self-emanating infrared radiation. |
Title |
Legal ownership. |
Trade name (drug) |
proprietary preparations containing the generic substance. |
management |
The definition is
contingent on current perspectives. For the end user in the role of record
keeper, it encompasses the range of activities required to record the
transfer of a specimen. Regardless of the type of transfer made or the
nature of the origin |
Transition phase |
The fourth and
final phase of Rational Unified Process (RUP) software development
methodology. The developers will carry out detailed knowledge transfer and
related activities, including documentation, application training and
implementation of any required support processes. A vital aspect of the
transition stage is user acceptance of the application, which will involve
ISIS users thoroughly testing the application and ensuring that complete and
accurate documentation and training materials are available. |
09/07/04 |
Treatment |
An action, series
of actions, or medication prescribed to alleviate a medical problem.
Treatment may be delivered to an individual animal, a group of animals, or
an enclosure. Examples: Medication, application of a splint. |
Trigger |
Specifies a
condition or event that initiates a use case or activity. The trigger
precedes the first step of the use case - it is not the first step of the
use case. |
Trinomial |
The combination of
a generic name, a specific name, and a subspecific name, that together
constitute a scientific name of a subspecies. e.g.: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
washingtoniensis Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus |
User Defined
Field. A data field specified by the user for the collection of data not
collected elsewhere. |
Ultrasonography |
A technique in
which high-frequency sound waves are bounced off internal organs and the
echo pattern is converted into a two dimensional picture of the structures
beneath the transducer. |
Use case |
A use case
describes a scenario in which an actor (user) interacts with the system. A
use case describes what the actor does i.e. steps performed, in normal and
error situations, the conditions surrounding the function, and the outcome.
They describe a complete course of events in a narrative format and/or in
workflow charts. Use cases help the users to specify their business
requirements and the designers and developers to understand the business
processes and objectives, and design the system. There are two types of use
cases - business and system. |
12/07/04 |
Use case
description |
A short
description of the activity addressed by the use case, reflecting the
actions, purpose, participants’ goals and outcome. |
Use case frequency |
Indicates how
often the activity addressed by the use case is performed. |
Use case ID |
A unique
identifier for each use case. |
Use case priority |
The business
priority of the activity addressed by the use case. |
User acceptance
testing |
The final phase in
a software development process in which the software is given to the
intended audience to be tested for functionality. Users provide feedback to
make any final adjustments to the programming before releasing the product
to the general ZIMS users. |
User interface |
The screens, forms
and dialogs that allow for interaction between a user and the application
(ZIMS). The term User Interface is often abbreviated to UI, and is sometimes
referred to as a graphical user interface, or GUI. |
Vendor |
1. Immediate past
location or owner of animal or ultimate ownership of the animal. 2. any
person or institution from which a specimen is acquired (i.e., by purchase,
donation, trade, loan, etc.). This may include zoos and aquariums, private
individuals, animal dealers, nature centres, government agencies (e.g., US
Fish and Wildlife Service) |
View |
Requested data
displayed by filter. |
Visit |
Viviparous |
Type of
reproduction in which eggs develop within the mother's body, with her
nutritional aid; characteristic of mammals, many reptiles, and some fishes;
offspring are born as juveniles. |
Work process |
A series of tasks,
activities, or events that lead to a particular result or outcome. |
Workflow |
A graphical
representation of all steps taken by an actor during a particular activity
or task. In a use case, the steps from the basic and alternative flows are
depicted. Also referred to as workflow diagrams. |
20/07/04 |
community |
Zoos, aquariums,
wildlife parks and other related institutions that house and/or display
captive collections of animals. |